Goat Milk Exfoliating Soaps

Goat Milk Exfoliating Soaps

Super exfoliating soaps with all the benefits of natural goat’s milk.


GraysLland Acres’s The Crazy Goat Lady Exfoliating Soaps.

Ingredients include Goat milk, lye, lard, borax, glycerin, pure natural honey and exfoliates.

You can choose oatmeal, lavender bud, rose buds, charcoal or coffee.  You can choose the oatmeal with or without oatmeal fragrance. Charcoal also comes with Tea Tree or Frankincense and Myrrh fragrance.

Coffee is the only one I would not recommend using on the face. It is good for getting grease and oil off hands.  It even can help neutralize “buck aroma” and fish scent.

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